Now offering 1:1 support!

Hey Reader!

Want a way to get more time & freedom in your pumping routines while still making enough milk for your baby?

If you want..

  • more room for fun in your life
  • more sleep
  • more freedom during your pumping sessions
  • more time to spend holding your baby and soaking it all in
  • AND more milk!

Then this service is for you!

Here's everything you'll get:

  • 1:1 Zoom call to talk about your supply, schedule, and pumping routine and how we can change & improve it.
  • Personalized Pumping Plan based on your unique circumstances that will give you the most free time & flexibility in your routine, while increasing or maintaining your milk supply.
  • 4 weeks of text support to evaluate how your routine is going and to answer any other questions you might have – this is something most other doulas and lactation consultants don’t offer!

Click the button below to find out more.

Exclusively Expressing LLC

Get the Top 12 Game Changers for Exclusive Pumping

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